The Greens At Centennial Campus.
You’re already one month into the New Year (crazy isn’t it?) & this may have you thinking about your New Year’s Resolutions. Let’s be honest – you may not always feel encouraged & may have slacked a little… so we’ve put together 5 tips for keeping your New Year’s Resolution.
Set a deadline, which will enable you to better visualize an outcome.
Make a plan & write it down or be creative & make a board. This makes your goal more concrete & reinforces that it’s a serious commitment. And, you’re more likely to fulfill a task that’s written down than one that’s not.
Share with close ones; sometimes, it helps with staying more accountable & it’s also nice to have someone who can support & recognize your accomplishments, however big or small.
Cheat a little. Yes, you read that correctly! It can be difficult to suddenly change an aspect of our lives & stick with it consistently, so if you cheat every now & then – no shame; just pick yourself back up & start again.
Feel free to share tips that help you stay encouraged to pursue your goals for 2017 & cheers to a healthy, happy & positive new year ahead!
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